Reaper Bones Hoardlings

Yes, I know. I know. I typed those words in earlier posts, so , yes, I know. You read those posts and read my complaints about Reaper Bones, the material acting oddly and paints acting differently. You read those and now you are confused. You are confused because I complained and, yet, here are more Reaper Bones minis being painted.

I never claimed to be consistent. Consistency is a crutch. It’s my inconsistencies that make me so interesting.

Or, it’s the fact that Reaper Bones are inexpensive and some of them are really good looking. I originally bought these as stand-ins for Martians while paying All Quiet on the Martian Front. There were no exposed Martian figures readily available and these little guys were good enough scale.

That and there is a little Cthulhu looking dude.

I had three of these painted and almost finished for years. Somewhere I picked up another pack of three, so why not knock them all out.

I remember painting this Cthulhu inspired demon years back. I worked hard to get the tentacles to had a nice gradient from purple to red. Early days for my painting and it took some work. I was very proud of that.

You can see the similarities in the figures and where the sculptor used common parts. It helps to give them a consistent look, which will help for games where all of these need to be used as part of a single force. There is enough detail to the figures that a better painter could have some fun with color transitions. But, not so much that one need worry about too much detail.

I will take a moment to restate my complaints about Reaper Bones. These minis, even the ones that were mostly finished years ago, will become tacky in certain circumstances. No, I don’t know why. Experimentation is required. But there is no difference in the method I use to paint Bones compared to other minis, metal or plastic, and they are the only ones to go tacky.

That all being typed, they still look good. The price is tough to beat.

And about my count, I am not posting everything I paint. At least not immediately. To date I have painted 30 minis for 2022 but have only shown pictures of 10. Last year I tried to update the count as I posted about them and things got confused. This time I’m just going to keep the running tally whether they have a post about them or not.

2022 Count:
30 figures painted
18 figures printed
3 figures purchased

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