HeroQuest Project, Post 20: The Rest of It

I have been slow rolling these blog posts. The HeroQuest project, the goal being a fully painted set of the original HeroQuest core set, has been completed for a few weeks now. I didn't take the time to take the photos to write the posts to blog the blog. With the end of the year... Continue Reading →

HeroQuest Project, Post 19: Sarcophagus and Bench

I am proud to have correctly spelled sarcophagus on the first try. Pathetic, yes. But why are you judging me? The sarcophagus and the alchemist's bench, two of the coolest pieces of furniture in HeroQuest. They just looked cool on the table. They set the theme nicely. Yeah, bookshelves and tables and chests are cool,... Continue Reading →

HeroQuest Project, Post 12: Chaos Warriors

The project moves ever onward. The figures are nearing completion, at least for the base game. Furniture is next, though even that is going well. We've seen the Heroes, the greenskins, and the undead. Now, the forces of Chaos. Which, I have to say, always confused me as a kid. Primarily because for Chaos Warriors... Continue Reading →

HeroQuest Project, Post 11: Skeletons

The last of the core box undead. Finally I'm getting away from greenskins. I am fairly certain that these skellies were never orcs or goblins or fimirs. How do I know that, you ask? Clearly they were farmers. Note the reapers' scythe, a subtle indication that these are undead farmers. Even after death, they really... Continue Reading →

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